Seeing Beauty in Everyday Things
Here today, gone tomorrow.
When you are able to see the beauty in everyday things you are improving the quality of your life because you do not require as much of a resource investment to achieve the same degree of satisfaction. This makes it good for your heart, good for your wallet, and good for the planet.
The main thing you need to do to perceive this beauty is to be in the moment. To be in the moment means that your thoughts are not being distracted by an unalterable past or an unrealized future.
You can use an anchor, such as focusing on your breath, posture, a shape or color, to bring you into the present moment. This is essentially meditation.
Once you are in the present moment, divert your full attention to anything around you. As you relax and pay more attention to anything you want that is around you, you will inevitably begin to see in a localized way the incredible sophistication, intricacy, and interconnectedness of whatever you are paying attention to.
One tactic to further extend the experience is to use your imagination to then go backwards and forwards in time for the object you are paying attention to (different than focusing on your own time line). You will realize how unique your particular experience is. That things are always changing, and impermanence is the basis of reality.
When every moment is so special, you will realize that you can not afford to be anywhere but the present.
Stepping out of the experience, you will carry a sensation of oneness and mystery for a little while afterwards.
The more often you repeat this kind of meditation, the more you will be building this neural pathway in your brain, and gradually the experience will last longer, and become more permanent.